How to uninstall flash player
How to uninstall flash player

how to uninstall flash player

It is easy to check whether your Mac has Flash Player. Check Adobe Flash Player Installed or Not in Mac

  • Download uninstaller for your Mac versionġ.
  • The uninstallation process consists of the following steps: Since browsers do not support the software any more, the most possible probability is that you might have downloaded it from some third-party site and installed it on your Mac. One is to use as a browser extension and other is to install as a standalone software. There are two possible ways you can use Flash Player on Mac. If you are still using Flash Player, you should uninstall the software immediately as it can potentially lead to hacking of your Mac. However, many people still used to play Flash based games and there are old websites that work only if you have Flash Player extension (or plugin) installed on the browser. Due to this fact, Chrome and all other browsers by default will block Flash content from playing on the browser. Finally, the end of life for Flash Player was on 31 st December 2020 and the product was no more supported by Adobe. Unfortunately, Flash Player has a long history of security threats over years and Adobe was even apologizing for not fixing them on time. If you are still using Flash Player on Mac, it’s high time you should uninstall and delete the program. As things changed, it became a security threat and the developer Adobe stopped maintaining the program. It offered the way to view and interact with rich media content like games and videos.

    how to uninstall flash player

    Once upon a time Flash Player or Shockwave Flash was the popular browser plugin and part of almost every website on the web.

    How to uninstall flash player